20 Life Changing QuotesNumber 1. Create a life that feels good on the inside, not just one that looks good on the outside. If you want to feel truly rich, look around you and count all of the things you have that money can't buy. If you can breathe, you can smile. So flood your mind with positive thoughts, because happiness is the most sought-after currency on earth.,现在小编就来说说关于放过自己的双语美文?下面内容希望能帮助到你,我们来一起看看吧!



20 Life Changing Quotes

Number 1. Create a life that feels good on the inside, not just one that looks good on the outside. If you want to feel truly rich, look around you and count all of the things you have that money can't buy. If you can breathe, you can smile. So flood your mind with positive thoughts, because happiness is the most sought-after currency on earth.


Number 2. There is nothing more important than this moment. Living in the past creates anxiety living. Living in the future creates fear of the unknown. Concentrate on living and enjoying the present moment, if you want to live life to its fullest potential.


Number 3. Follow your intuition. It will always lead you to the right destination. Put faith in your intuition, and the universe will lead the way.


Number 4. Let your faith be bigger than your fears. Have faith success will be near. You can't see faith, or fear, but you can decide which one controls your life.


Number 5. No dream is too big, when you understand abundance is your birth right. As Mark Twain said, the two most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.


Number 6. Our future reality depends on what we do now, in this present moment. You are the architect of your own destiny, so make today count.


Number 7. You can join me, when you are in alignment with me. Finding people that are in alignment with you is one of life's greatest treasures. If you haven't found them yet, keep looking.


Number 8. If your intention is powerful, your action will be powerful. If your action is powerful, your results will be powerful. Powerful intentions create powerful results.


Number 9. Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. Albert Einstein. To create the life you want, you have to be able to see it first in your mind. No dream is too big. Believe in your heart, what you want will be yours. Act as if it is already in its own will be.


Number 10. Affirmation. I deserve to be rich. I deserve to be happy. I deserve peace. I deserve freedom. Affirmations are phone calls to the universe. The more you call, the more likely your call will be answered.


Number 11. If you ever feel above or below anyone, you are wrong. The only time you shall look down on someone is if you are helping them up. No matter how much you achieve, you are never above another. The higher you climb the more you can help others rise to your level.


Number 12. I believe miracles are on the way, today, tomorrow, every day. When you believe miracles are on the way, you will begin to manifest them.


Number 13. The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but rather your thoughts about the situation. Eckhart Tolle. The mind is an amazing thing. Any situation, no matter how good, can be made unbearable by overwhelming negativity. Realize that the answer to finding happiness is always in the thoughts you're holding in the present moment.

第十三,不快乐的根源,不是某件事情,而是你对某件事情的看法。这是Eckhart Tolle说的。思维是一个很奇妙的东西。无论眼前的情况有多棒,都有人会消极看待,认为这简直难以接受。你要意识到,找到快乐的关键,就是你当下的想法。

Number 14. In any given moment we have two options, to step forward into growth or to step back into safety. Abraham Maslow. Growth in life is a choice. Vitality, positivity, abundance, they are all choices. Which option will you choose?

第十四,无论何时,我们都有两种选择,要么前进,选择成长,要么后退,选择安逸。这是Abraham Maslow说的。在人生中,成长是一种选择。生命力,积极的心态,富足,这些都是可以选择的。你会选择什么呢?

Number 15. Eliminate everything that doesn't help you evolve. If you want something different, you have to do something different. Make hard decisions now, so you can work towards the life you've always dreamed of. Choose only the people, habits, and beliefs that help you evolve and make those choices consistently.


Number 16. Take time to do what makes your soul happy. Take time for you. There is nothing of more importance in your life than to be consciously aware of and make room for your happiness. Feel good first and the rest of your life will function at a higher level including all your relationships and your results.


Number 17. Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know. Pema Chodron. If you want to move on, realize what the universe is trying to tell you. No challenge was sent to break you. Most often they were sent to make you better, stronger, wiser. Learn the lesson, understand the blessing and move forward.

第十七,困难不会自行消退,除非它已经让你学到了教训。这是Pema Chodron说的。如果你想往前走,那你就要意识到,这个世界想要教给你很多道理。你遇到的挑战,它们的初衷都不是为了让你崩溃。它们大多数是想让你变得更优秀,更强大,更睿智。你要吸取教训,明白这一切都是世界对你的善意,然后继续前行。

Number 18. The greatest illusion in the world is the illusion of separation. Realize deeply that everything in the universe is connected. Sadness and feelings of separation are symptoms of a negative mind. Positivity will always manifest a more positive experience of reality and a deeper feeling of connection.


Number 19. You are not in the universe. You are the universe. Eckhart Tolle. You are literally made of Stardust, a walking miracle. Would you be happy if you won the lottery? The miracle of life, we so easily take for granted, is equal to winning the lottery every single day. Tell someone you won the lottery. See the reaction. That is the answer to the happiness you seek.

第十九,你不是活在这个世界上,你自己本身就是一个世界。这是Eckhart Tolle说的。你就是星尘,你就是行走的奇迹。如果你中了,你会开心吗?活着,这本身就是一个奇迹,它和每天都中是一样的,而我们总是把这当作理所当然。告诉某个人,说他赢了,看看他是什么反应。你一直以来想寻找的快乐,就是这个模样。

Number 20. When you realize there is no lacking, the whole world belongs to you. Lao Tzu. If you want to see how rich you truly are, you just have to look in the mirror. You are indeed a miracle and once you realize that, there is no lack.
