今年是新中国成立70周年。6月11日,“壮丽70年•奋斗新时代——记者再走长征路”主题采访活动启动仪式在江西于都、瑞金和福建长汀、宁化举行。在为期近两个月的时间内,各路记者们将开启一段非同寻常的采访之旅,缅怀革命先烈,传承革命精神。 The launching ceremony of an activity that will take journalists to retrace the route of the Long March is held in Yudu and Ruijin of Jiangxi province and Changting and Ninghua of Fujian province on June 11. The activity is aimed at paying tribute to the revolutionary martyrs and passing on the traditions of revolution, as the country celebrates the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China this year.






今天,在新长征路上,我们要战胜来自国内外的各种重大风险挑战,夺取中国特色社会主义新胜利,依然要靠全党全国人民坚定的理想信念和坚强的革命意志。 As China is on a new Long March, we will depend on firm and strong will of the Party and the people to overcome major challenges at home and abroad and secure new victory in building socialism with Chinese characteristics. ——2019年5月20日,在江西于都中央红军长征出发纪念馆外的广场上和群众强调


长征精神 Long March spirit

中国特色社会主义伟大事业 the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics

