从德云社看“信任” Looking at "Trust" from Deyun Club


In 2010, Cao Yunjin withdrew from Deyun Club. Guo Degang has always raised Cao Yunjin as a son. The "betrayal" of his apprentice caused him to judge Cao Yunjin as "betraying the teacher" when he revised his family tree in 2016.



Looking back afterwards, the turmoil of Deyun Club was not actually a character or moral issue, but a problem of corporate governance misalignment. In other words, Guo Degang used the mentor-apprentice relationship in the Quyi world to fix the 21st-century modern company.


The cross talk world in China pays attention to inheritance. A young apprentice from outside who wants to learn art from a teacher needs to serve tea and pour water first.


The masters and apprentices are like "partnerships". They must be "acquaintances" of each other. Only by understanding their abilities, personalities, personalities, and family background can they be assured of assuming unlimited responsibility for each other. What do they rely on to go down together? It depends on trust.


Sociologist Luhmann put forward a view in 1979 that trust is a "simplification mechanism" used to reduce the complexity of social interaction.



Therefore, when Deyun Club first started, it was the interpersonal trust between acquaintances, and the mentoring system was sufficient and easy to use. It worked well until 2006. In this year, Beijing Deyunshe Culture Communication Co., Ltd. was formally established, which means that the cross talk workshop of mentor-apprentice system has become a modern company.


After becoming a company, does that kind of interpersonal trust work? If the company grows bigger and bigger, tens of thousands or even tens of thousands, can trust still serve as an adjustment mechanism?

人际信任 vs 制度信任 Interpersonal trust vs system trust


In modern stock companies, the number of shareholders is so large that they have never seen each other. They don’t know each other, and there is no interpersonal trust. Moreover, the management is becoming more and more complicated. It is impossible to manage only by family members and acquaintances. ,How to do?


At this time, the trust mechanism that simplifies the complexity of social interactions must rely more on institutional trust, and institutional trust mainly relies on the protection of laws and regulations and institutional constraints.



There are actually two types of trust, one is interpersonal trust, and the other is institutional trust. In a joint stock company with a highly dispersed shareholding, the requirements for institutional trust are the highest. Most of the research and teaching materials on corporate governance are carried out around such joint-stock companies, and the discussions are basically all kinds of systems design.


It must be admitted that this idea that the rule of law is greater than the rule of man is a historical advance, because institutional trust is more suitable for modern mass production than interpersonal trust. The system brings trust because it has fairness, certainty, universality and compulsion, which can reduce the risk of trust.


For example, after the limited liability system is fixed as a legal system, strangers will gather funds because of their trust in the system, which is much more than the funds that can be gathered because of interpersonal trust.

被低估的人际信任 Underestimated trust in interpersonal


The importance of system trust is unquestionable, but the importance of interpersonal trust should not be underestimated.


First, institutional trust is not the trust in the system, but the trust in people through the system.


The system itself is not the ultimate goal of our trust, only the people in the system are. If we have a way to improve interpersonal trust, it is actually a good supplement and substitute for institutional trust.


For example, the boss of a start-up company should not learn from the so-called most advanced governance structure of listed companies, but instead tie up their own hands and feet. Improve organizational efficiency. Successful start-ups are indispensable for a boss who speaks for words.


Second, the shareholders of a limited liability company often come together based on interpersonal trust, and this interpersonal trust is also protected by law.


For example, the transfer of shares in a limited liability company to someone other than shareholders should be approved by more than half of other shareholders; the relationship between shareholders is more restricted by internally communicated contracts. Shares in stock companies can be transferred freely, and communication between shareholders is very limited.


From individual enterprises, partnerships to limited liability companies, and then to stock companies, a continuous spectrum of gradual decline in interpersonal trust and increasing institutional trust has been formed.


We can also regard the classical enterprises such as individuals and partnerships as rickshaws, which run out on two legs and are purely "rule of man." A limited liability company is a carriage, while a joint stock limited company is a car, and its dependence on people is gradually weakening. But is it not dependent on people at all? Obviously not, it cannot be a driverless car after all. Therefore, even in a joint-stock company, there must be an element of human governance.



What does it depend on to maintain a company? It depends on trust. If you want to maintain a company, you must increase mutual trust between people. This trust must include both interpersonal trust and institutional trust. It's just that in different companies, the ratio of emphasis on interpersonal trust and institutional trust is different. Yes, the more the company develops, the more it focuses on institutional trust.
