

举例来说, control这个词既可以用作动词也可以用作名词,都表示“控制”这个意思,我们在表达“控制成本”这个意思的时候般倾向于说 control costs,而不是 keep costs under control,但后者在书面语中用得似乎更多一些。


比如说, attention这个词,中国的学生最常用的就是 pay attention to,除此之外似乎想不出其他用法。

但事实上它的用法非常灵活,比如 centre of the attention(众人瞩目的焦点)、 attract sb's attention(吸引某人的注意), turn attention away(转移对某事的注意力)、 bring sth to sb' s attention(使某事引起某人注意)等,不下十几种。可以看出,学会这些用法对于提高我们的表达能力是非常有用的。






英语的抽象名词中有相当一部分直接解释为某一个人或某一样东西,如我们经常说的This bag was a bargain at RMB20.这个包只花了200元,真是捡了个便宜。

例句中bag是个 bargain,把一件实物直接说成了一个抽象的东西,这在汉语中是很少见到的。类似的还有

(1) Jo is a credit to her profession.Jo对她的行业贡献很大。

(2) Platform sandals are this summer' s fashion.今夏流行厚底坡跟凉鞋。

(3) Stretch limousines are a common sight in LA,加长的豪华车在洛杉矶很常见。

(4) She is such a delight.她真是个开心果。

(5) Magazines are my passion.从事杂志业是我的激情与梦想。

(6) These soldiers are their country's pride.这些士兵是他们祖国的骄傲。

(7)You can leave the children with me. They're no trouble.把孩子交给我吧,没什么麻烦的。

( 8)Kate feels like she's a disappointment to her family. Kate觉得家里面对她很失望。

(9)Do you know anything about chicks? They are a huge responsibility.你知道怎么养小鸡吗?它们需要花费很多的精力去照看。

(10) In grade school, Clint was a real challenge to all of his teachers.上小学的时候,Cint很让老师头疼。

(11) Mikes family is his first concern.Mike首先惦记的是他的家庭。



比如 chance这个词,就可以分别表达成 have a chance, get a chance、 give a chance, take a chance。


(1)look:take a look at sth(看一眼), get a look at sth(看到), give sb a dirty look(很不友好地看了某人一眼)

(2) notice:give sb notice of sth(发……通知给), take notice of sth(注意到)

(3)effect; have an effect on sth(对……有影响), take effect(发挥效用)

(4) credit:give credit to sb(有某人的功劳), take credit from(从……抢走功劳)

(5) advantage:have advantage over sth/sb(比……有优势),give sb/ sth advantage(赋予优势), take advantage of sth(利用)

(6) pleasure; give me a pleasure to do sth(很荣幸地),take pleasure in doing sth(从……中取乐), have the pleasures of doing sth(很高兴做某事)

(7) trouble:have trouble with(不赞同某事), take the trouble to do sth(不辞辛苦做某事)

(8) responsibility:take responsibility for doing sth(承担起做某事的义务), have a responsibility to do sth(有做某事的义务)

9) shock:get a shock(吃了一惊), give sb a shock(让某人吃一惊)


control, interest, doubt, pride, care, practice, position, place, lead, law, interest, approach既然抽象名词可以像实物一样“得到”或“给予”,当然也可以失去”,所以“lose”是另一个经常用来与抽象名词搭配的动词。如:lose one's sight, lose one' s balance, lose control, lose one's look(容颜衰老), lose one' s pride(失去尊严), lose one's place(忘了讲到儿了)。

除了以上最常用的四个动词外,被看做实物的抽象名词也可以分别与make(制造), create(生产), break(打破),kick(踢开), hold(持握), catch(抓住), raise(举起)等联系,如:

(1) make a habit of sth养成习惯

(2) make an approach找到了……方法

(3) make trouble(制造麻烦)

(4) make the call(做决定)

(5) make points(提出观点、看法)

(6) produce the desired effect(达到预期的效果)

(7) kick one's habit(改掉习惯)

(8) break record(打破纪录)

(9) catch sight of(偶然看到)

(10) raise doubt(引起怀疑)


如上面说的habit就可以看成是一个皮球被kick(踢开),也可以 bounce back(反弹),而 doubt可以看成是足球场上的红牌被举起等。


与这个容器相关的就是它有上下、里外、进去、出来等概念,也就是in,out,on,off, under, beyond, to...介词所表达的含义。请看以下例子。

与in或out的搭配:in/ out of fashion, in/ out of sight, in/ out of fear, in/out of control, in/ out of habit, in effect, in shift, in the tradition of, in delight, in doubt, in trouble, in force, in the lead, in love with...在这些搭配中,用in表示肯定抽象名词所指称的事物,而用out表示否定。

与on或off的搭配:on/ off the record(正式/非正式), on call(待命), on the off chanee(抱有一线希望), on top, on order(订购), on sb's return, on rise, on the run (逃跑), on show, a load off your mind...在这些搭配中,用on表示有效或正在进行,用on表示有效或正在进行,用off表示脱离等

与 under或 beyond的搭配:under control, under discussion, under the law, under the name of, under orders to, under power, under the rule, beyond control, beyond hope, bevond doubt...在这些搭配中,用 undel表示受……影响或制约,用 beyond表示不受影响或超出范围。

与to的搭配:to the point(切题), to one's surprse, to one's advantage, to one's credit, to one's delight, to one' s disappointment...

当然,抽象名词也可与into, of, at, for, with等介词搭配使用,在此不再一一举例。



也就是说这些抽象名词是否与一些原本用来修饰实物名词的形容词搭配使用?此类形容词有big/ small,high/low, full/half等

与big/ small.搭配:a big advantage, in big trouble, big changes, big plan, a big argument, small mistake, a small fortune, small wonder...

与high/low的搭配:high/ low pressure, high/ low profile, high risk, high/low cost, high/low spirit, low quality...

与full/half的搭配:full attention, full schedule, full stop,fulh employment, full member, in full view, have half a mind

