featureless 英 [ˈfiːtʃələs] 美 [ˈfiːtʃərləs] adj. 无特色的,现在小编就来说说关于gre词汇词根整理?下面内容希望能帮助到你,我们来一起看看吧!



featureless 英 [ˈfiːtʃələs] 美 [ˈfiːtʃərləs] adj. 无特色的

: feat(fac: make/do) ure(n后缀: 表示状态) less(表示无)-> 无特色的

考点: adj.缺乏特征的: lacking distinguishing characteristics or features

e.g. the featureless landscape of the steppe 大草原上缺乏特色的地貌

: beige, characterless, faceless, indistinctive, neutral, noncommital, vanilla

: diagnostic, discriminating, distinct, distinctive, distinguishing, identifying, peculiar, typical 特征的

obligatory 英 [əˈblɪɡətri] 美 [əˈblɪɡətɔːri] adj. 义务的;必须的;义不容辞的

: obligate(使负责义务) ory(adj后缀) -> 强制性的; 义务的

ob(表示强调) lig(帮助) ate(v后缀) -> 强制绑住某人 -> 强制; 后引申为帮忙; 使感激等意思

考点1: adj.强制性的: of the nature of an obligation; compulsory

■e.g. obligatory military service 强制性的服军役

: compulsory, imperative, involuntary, peremptory, required

: discretionary, selective, elective, optional, voluntary 自由选择的,志愿的

考点2: adj.(见得多以至于)无聊的: used or heard so often as to be dull

e.g. the obligatory cliff-hanger endings for season finales of TV shows 电视剧总是以恶俗的惊心动魄的结局作为完季

: banal, cliche, commonplace, hack, hackneyed, moth-eaten, musty, shopworn, stereotyped, threadbare, timeworn, trite, well-worn

: fresh, new, novel, original, uncliched, unhackneyed 新奇的

minatory 英 [ˈmɪnətəri] 美 [ˈmɪnətɔːri] adj. 恐吓的,威胁的

: min(project伸出) at ory(adj后缀) -> 原指古代人放牧通过喊叫或者拿出鞭子鞭打等方式来驱赶牲畜 后引申为威胁; 恐吓

考点: adj.带来威胁的,有凶兆的: being or showing a sign of evil or calamity to come

e.g. The novel's protagonist is haunted by a minatory black specter.小说的主人公被不详的黑色幽灵所骚扰

: baleful, direful, doomy, foreboding, ill-boding, inauspicious, menacing, portentous, sinister, threatening

: unthreatening不威胁的;reassuring令人安心的

animate 英 [ˈænɪmeɪt] 美 [ˈænɪmeɪt] vt. 使有生气;使活泼;鼓舞;推动 adj. 有生命的

: anim(life生命) ate -> 使有生气; 使活泼

考点1: adj.活的: having or showing life

e.g. The lecture was about ancient worship of animate and inanimate objects演讲是关于对生命体和非生命体的古代崇拜。

: breathing, live, living

反: dead, expired, deceased, lifeless, nonliving 无生命的

考点2: adj.有活力的: having much high-spirited energy and movement

e.g. Animate dance will get the blood pumping 有活力的舞蹈会让人热血沸腾。

: bouncing, brisk, energetic, sprightly, vivacious

: inactive, lackadaisical, languid, listless, leaden 没有活力的,无精打采的

考点3: v.使有活力,支持: to give spirit and support to

e.g. The writer's humor animates the novel 作者的幽默使小说富有生命力。

: brace, energize, enliven, invigorate, ginger (up), pep up, vitalize 使有活力

: damp, dampen, deaden 使没活力

: animation 生命力,活力: the quality or condition of being alive, active, spirited, or vigorous

: lassitude, lethargy疲倦,疲乏

考点4: v.使行动,驱使: to move to action

e.g. a criminal animated by greed 一个受贪婪驱使的罪犯

: goad, prod, spur, galvanize, stimulate

考点5: v.使活灵活现,使栩栩如生: to make or design in such a way as to create apparently spontaneous lifelike movement

e.g. Kongfu Panda's very realistic panda was animated by CG《功夫熊猫》电影里面的熊猫是通过CG技术使熊猫变得活灵活现的。

deploy 英 [dɪˈplɔɪ] 美 [dɪˈplɔɪ] vt. 配置;展开;使疏开 vi. 部署;展开 n. 部署

: de(dis: not) ploy(to fold卷) -> 不卷入 -> 展开; 使疏开 后引申为部署等含义

考点: v.(有目的地)展开;调度: to spread out, utilize, or arrange for a deliberate purpose

e.g. deploy a sales force 展开部署销售力量

: concentrate 集中